Question : Can I use perfumes which contain alcohol?Regarding the question whether it’s permissible to use perfume:
Firstly, when it is said that alcohol is present in it, does it mean that drinking alcohol (that gets one intoxicated after drinking) is in it, or does it mean that one of the compositions/ingredients used to make alcohol is mixed in it?
Meaning: To make anything, many ingredients are used. In the same way an ingredient that is used to make alcohol called “alcohol denat” is used to make perfume. Hence we know that such an ingredient is present in it.
Secondly: Is this substance used in perfume, something that will make you intoxicated if you drink it? If that is the case, there is no doubt that its ruling is haram. In a Hadith it is stated (كلُّ مُسكرٍ حرامٌ) “any type of intoxicant is haram”. It is required to say this here because there are some things that are haram to drink in the religion which are not intoxicants. But they can be used for other purposes. For example, bleach, dettol, etc. are things that if swallowed, will poison a person and may even lead to death. Hence, they are haram to drink. However, they can be used for other purposes like cleaning. Thus, it is important to know this.
Thirdly: If a person drinks something like perfume, he might get poisoned and even die. But this is not because of intoxication but because of poisoning. Hence, we should think when ruling it as an intoxicant (from the information we have, the substance used in it is not an intoxicant). Therefore, we cannot give the ruling of intoxicants on it. As mentioned before, as bleach is permissible to use though it is a poison, perfume is also something that can be used.
Fourthly: From experience it is known that some of the perfumes are intoxicating. If something is intoxicating, then it is not permissible to use the product (if there is a substance in it that is an intoxicant).
Fifthly: In the Fatwa by the Permanent Committee of Research and Ifta (Saudi Arabia) no. 54-13, it is stated that, “If the percentage of alcohol content in the perfume is to an extent that would make someone intoxicated if drunk then drinking it is Haram. And buying and selling it is Haram. And using it for any other purpose is Haram. Because it is Khamr (intoxicating alcohol), even if it is a small amount or a big amount (the ruling is the same). If the alcohol content in the product is to an extent that if a person drinks it even to a huge amount it will not make him intoxicated, then it is permitted to use it and it is permitted to buy and sell it”.
In summary of the above, most scholars agree that a ruling should be given based on the amount of alcoholic substance that such a product contains. The previous points cleared it. It is known that some of the products are intoxicants. And some are not intoxicants but may be poisonous.
Therefore, if the amount of alcohol in the product is to an extent that if drunk will make one intoxicated, then the product is not permissible. If the content in the product is to an extent to which no effects of intoxication occurs, then it is permissible. والله أعلم (Allah knows best).