From the etiquettes of entering and leaving the toilet – Which foot first?
When entering the toilet or the place of relieving, it is recommended to place the left foot first. Similarly, it is recommended to place the right foot first when coming out.
This is the consensus of the four Madh-habs. Al-Ḥanafiyyah, al-Maalikiyyah, ash-Shaafi’iyyah and al-Ḥanabilah are all in agreement to it.
Al-Ḥāfidh an-Nawawī رحمه الله said, “This habit is a recommended action by consensus of the scholars. It is an established rule that for good and virtuous actions one should prefer the right side instead of the left side.” المجموع 2/77
It is stated in the Sunnah that in every virtuous and good action the right side should be preferred. From the evidence: ‘Aaishah رضي الله عنها said,
(كان النبيُّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم يُحِبُّ التَّيَمُّنَ ما استَطاعَ، في طُهُورهِ وتَنَعُّلِه وتَرجُّلِه في شأنِه كُلِّه)
“The Prophet ﷺ when purifying himself, when putting on his slippers, when combing his hair, and in all his affairs (good, virtuous, nice actions) he loved to start with the right side as much as he was capable of”.
This Hadeeth was recorded by Imām Bukhari (5380).
Therefore, in the actions mentioned in the Hadeeth, and in all other good, virtuous actions, it is recommended to prefer the right side instead of the left side.